Fully Funded Commonwealth Graduate Scholarships in UK 2024

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Fully Funded Commonwealth Graduate Scholarships in UK 2024: This opportunity is for students from Commonwealth countries who dream of grabbing a Master’s or Doctorate in the UK. It’s like the VIP scholarship, super prestigious, and they pick a bunch of students each year to be part of the club. For the 2024–2025 school year, it’s the Fully Funded Scholarship gig. If you’re feeling adventurous, there’s also the Tokyo Institute of Technology MEXT Scholarship 2024 in Japan (Fully Funded) that you can shoot your shot at.

With the Commonwealth Masters Scholarship and Commonwealth PhD Scholarship, you get to dive into postgraduate studies in pretty much any field you’re into. And here’s the sweet part – the Commonwealth UK Scholarship covers all your study expenses in the UK. This golden ticket lasts for a cool 36 months.

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Commonwealth Graduate Scholarships in UK

These scholarships are for bright and driven folks from low- and middle-income Commonwealth countries. The UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO) foots the bill because they’re all about supporting development, excellence in UK education, and keeping the Commonwealth vibes alive. It’s a win-win situation!

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Fully Funded Commonwealth Graduate Scholarships in UK 2024 - Details

Offered by:UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
Degree level:Masters, PhD
Scholarship coverage:Fully Funded
Eligible nationality:Commonwealth Countries
Award country:United Kingdom
Last Date:17 October 2024

Benefits of Commonwealth Graduate Scholarships in UK

Let’s break down the perks of the Commonwealth Graduate Scholarships 2024 in the United Kingdom for international students aiming for that Master’s or Doctoral Degree at the UK’s top-notch universities. Here’s the financial scoop:

Full Tuition Fees:

  • You can kick back because this scholarship covers your entire tuition fees. No need to worry about that part!

Round-Trip Airfare:

  • They’ve got your travel covered. From your home turf to the UK and back when your scholarship adventure comes to an end – it’s all on them.

Living Allowance:

  • Get ready for some cash in hand. You’ll be pocketing £1,347 per month, or if you find yourself in the bustling streets of London, it’s a cool £1,652 per month. Living the good life, right?

Warm Clothing Budget:

  • Because, let’s face it, winter in the UK can be chilly. They’ve thought of that too and thrown in a budget for cozy clothing when things get frosty.

Thesis Funding:

  • Working on that thesis or dissertation? Don’t sweat it – this scholarship has your back. They’ve set aside funds to help cover those research and writing costs.

Study Travel Grant:

  • Want to explore beyond your study desk? This grant chips in for the cost of your travel, whether it’s within the UK or beyond its borders. Get ready to broaden those horizons!

So, there you have it – not just a scholarship, but a financial package designed to make your academic journey smoother.

Available lists of Field of Study

Thinking about diving into the Commonwealth Graduate Scholarships? Cool! Here are the six exciting study fields you can explore:

Science and Technology for Development:

  1. Dive into the world of science and technology with a focus on making a positive impact on development.

Strengthening Health Systems and Capacity:

  • If healthcare is your passion, this field is all about building stronger health systems and boosting capacity.

Promoting Global Prosperity:

  • Interested in the global economy? This field is about promoting prosperity on an international scale.

Strengthening Global Peace, Security, and Governance:

  • Get into the nitty-gritty of global affairs by focusing on peace, security, and governance on a worldwide level.

Strengthening Resilience and Response to Crises:

  • For those who want to make a difference in times of crises, this field is all about building resilience and responding effectively.

Access, Inclusion, and Opportunity:

  • If you’re passionate about ensuring everyone has equal opportunities, this field is right up your alley.

Eligible Countries

For Masters Scholarship, the door is open for students from the following countries:

Antigua and Barbuda, Bangladesh, Belize, Botswana, Cameroon, Dominica, Eswatini, Fiji, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho, Malawi, Maldives, Mauritius, Montserrat, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Samoa, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, St Helena, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Tanzania, The Gambia, Tonga, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu.

For those aiming for the Doctoral Scholarship, the opportunity extends to students from:

Bangladesh, Cameroon, The Gambia, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Tanzania, Tuvalu, Uganda, Zambia.

Requirements for Fully Funded Commonwealth Graduate Scholarships in the UK for 2024

  • To be eligible, you need to be a citizen of one of the listed countries.
  • The Commonwealth UK Scholarship is for folks who’ve wrapped up either a 4-year Bachelor’s degree or a combo of a 2-year Bachelor’s degree and a 2-year Master’s degree.
  • Before September 2024, make sure you’re not already enrolled in a UK university for a PhD or an MPhil leading to a PhD.
  • By September 2024, you should have snagged a first degree with at least an upper second-class (2:1) honors standard or a second-class degree along with a fitting postgraduate qualification, usually a Master’s degree.

Remember, this scholarship is the golden ticket to studying in the UK. Without it, you might hit a roadblock.

Application Deadline

Don’t snooze on this! The final call to throw in your application for a Commonwealth International Scholarship in the UK for 2024 is on October 17, 2024. Time’s ticking, so make sure you get your paperwork in before the deadline hits!

To Apply for the Commonwealth Master Scholarship: https://cscuk.fcdo.gov.uk/scholarships/commonwealth-masters-scholarships/

FAQs: Fully Funded Commonwealth Graduate Scholarships in the UK for 2024

Q1: Who is eligible to apply for the Commonwealth Graduate Scholarships in the UK for 2024?

A1: Citizens of specific countries listed by the Commonwealth are eligible. Additionally, applicants must meet educational criteria, including completing a 4-year Bachelor’s degree or a combination of a 2-year Bachelor’s degree and a 2-year Master’s degree.

Q2: Can I apply if I am already registered for a PhD or MPhil program at a UK university?

A2: No, applicants should not be registered for a PhD or an MPhil leading to a PhD at a UK university before September 2024.

Q3: What academic qualifications are required for eligibility?

A3: By September 2024, applicants must have a first degree with at least an upper second-class (2:1) honors standard or a second-class degree with an appropriate postgraduate qualification, usually a Master’s degree.

Q4: What is the significance of the Fully Funded Commonwealth Graduate Scholarship?

A4: This scholarship is crucial for international students as it provides full financial support, making it possible for them to pursue their graduate studies in the UK.

Q5: When is the application deadline for the Commonwealth Graduate Scholarships for 2024?

A5: The deadline to submit applications for the Commonwealth Graduate Scholarships in the UK for 2024 is October 17, 2024.

Q6: How do I apply for the Fully Funded Commonwealth Graduate Scholarship?

A6: Detailed application instructions can be found on the official Commonwealth Scholarship Commission’s website. Ensure you follow the guidelines and submit all required documents before the deadline.

Q7: Can the scholarship cover all expenses during my studies in the UK?

A7: Yes, the Fully Funded Commonwealth Graduate Scholarship typically covers tuition fees, living expenses, and other related costs, providing comprehensive financial support.

Q8: Are there specific countries that are eligible for the Commonwealth Graduate Scholarships?

A8: Yes, eligibility is based on citizenship, and applicants must be citizens of countries listed as part of the Commonwealth initiative.

Q9: Is there any age limit for applying for the Commonwealth Graduate Scholarship?

A9: There is no strict age limit specified, but applicants are expected to meet the educational and eligibility criteria outlined in the scholarship guidelines.

Q10: Can I apply for multiple scholarships simultaneously?

A10: It’s advisable to check the specific rules of the Commonwealth Graduate Scholarship program. Some scholarships may have restrictions on simultaneous applications.

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